PoP - определение. Что такое PoP
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Что (кто) такое PoP - определение

POP; PoP; Pop (TV Channel); Pop (disambiguation); Pop Television Channel; POP (TV); PoP (television channel); POP (television channel); Pop (television); Pop (television channel); Pop (TV); P O P; Pop! (disambiguation); PoP (disambiguation); Pop (album); Pop (TV channel); Pop (magazine); Pop (TV network); POP (TV network); Pop! (song); Pop (song)
Найдено результатов: 1126
1. <language> A family of programming languages, POP-1, POP-2, POP-10, Pop-11, POP++, POP-9X, POPLOG. 2. Post Office Protocol. See also pop, PoP. [Jargon File] (1996-02-18)
Point Of Presence (Reference: Internet, ISP)
¦ verb (pops, popping, popped)
1. make or cause to make a sudden sharp explosive sound.
2. (often pop in/out) go or come for a short time, often without notice.
(pop off) informal die.
3. put or place quickly in a particular position.
4. (of a person's eyes) open wide and appear to bulge, especially with surprise.
5. informal take or inject (a drug).
6. Brit. informal pawn.
¦ noun
1. a sudden sharp explosive sound.
2. informal, dated or N. Amer. fizzy soft drink.
3. (also pop fly or pop-up) Baseball a ball hit high in the air but not far from the home plate.
-- a pop N. Amer. informal costing a specified amount per item.
have (or take) a pop at informal attack.
pop one's clogs Brit. informal die.
pop the question informal propose marriage.
ME (in the senses 'a blow' and 'to strike'): imitative.
¦ noun (also pop music) commercial popular music, in particular accessible, tuneful music of a kind popular since the 1950s.
¦ adjective
1. relating to pop music.
2. often derogatory (especially of a scientific or academic subject) made accessible to the general public.
¦ noun chiefly US informal term for father.
C19: abbrev. of poppa.
·noun The European redwing.
II. Pop ·adv Like a pop; suddenly; unexpectedly.
III. Pop ·noun A small, sharp, quick explosive sound or report; as, to go off with a pop.
IV. Pop ·vi To burst open with a pop, when heated over a fire; as, this corn pops well.
V. Pop ·vi To make a pop, or sharp, quick sound; as, the muskets popped away on all sides.
VI. Pop ·vt To cause to pop; to cause to burst open by heat, as grains of Indian corn; as, to pop corn or chestnuts.
VII. Pop ·noun An unintoxicating beverage which expels the cork with a pop from the bottle containing it; as, ginger pop; lemon pop, ·etc.
VIII. Pop ·vt To thrust or push suddenly; to offer suddenly; to bring suddenly and unexpectedly to notice; as, to pop one's head in at the door.
IX. Pop ·vi To enter, or issue forth, with a quick, sudden movement; to move from place to place suddenly; to Dart;
- with in, out, upon, off, ·etc.
¦ abbreviation
1. (also PoP) Computing point of presence, denoting equipment that acts as access to the Internet.
2. (in the UK) Post Office Preferred, used to specify the size of envelopes and other items.
3. Computing Post Office Protocol, a standard protocol for accessing email.
adv. (colloq.) to go pop ('to make a short explosive sound')
v. (P; intr., tr.) we have to pop into the store for a minute; pop your head out of the window and see if it's raining; to pop round the corner
A POP is equipment that gives access to the Internet. POP is an abbreviation for 'point of presence'. (COMPUTING)
1) another word for soda
2) British slang for champagne.
We'll have another bottle of pop off the good Mottram and be off to the old-hundreth.(from Brideshead Revisited by E. Waugh)
3) meaning to attempt something
You want this website done by 3am? I'll have a pop but I can't promise anything!
(pops, popping, popped)
Frequency: The word is one of the 3000 most common words in English.
Pop is modern music that usually has a strong rhythm and uses electronic equipment.
...the perfect combination of Caribbean rhythms, European pop, and American soul...
...a life-size poster of a pop star...
I know nothing about pop music.
N-UNCOUNT: oft N n
You can refer to fizzy drinks such as lemonade as pop. (mainly BRIT INFORMAL; in AM, usually use soda pop
He still visits the village shop for buns and fizzy pop.
...glass pop bottles.
Pop is used to represent a short sharp sound, for example the sound made by bursting a balloon or by pulling a cork out of a bottle.
His back tyre just went pop on a motorway.
If something pops, it makes a short sharp sound.
He untwisted the wire off the champagne bottle, and the cork popped and shot to the ceiling.
If your eyes pop, you look very surprised or excited when you see something. (INFORMAL)
My eyes popped at the sight of the rich variety of food on show.
If you pop something somewhere, you put it there quickly. (BRIT INFORMAL)
He plucked a purple grape from the bunch and popped it in his mouth.
VERB: V n prep/adv
If you pop somewhere, you go there for a short time. (BRIT INFORMAL)
Wendy popped in for a quick bite to eat on Monday night.
VERB: V adv/prep
Some people call their father pop. (mainly AM INFORMAL; in BRIT, usually use dad
I looked at Pop and he had big tears in his eyes...
to pop the question: see question
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